Howdy! I’m Nixon, and I am in my first few weeks in Vienna where I am about to start my semester exchange at Wirtschaftsuniversitat, or more commonly known as WU. I have arrived about a month and half …
Final Reflections on Studying Abroad – Kush Ganji
Studying abroad was the greatest decision of my college career. Not only did it change my perspective on life, but it shaped my understanding on how I want to live going forward. I traveled and …
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Initial Impressions of Bocconi and Milan – Kush Ganji
It's only been 2 weeks since I've been in Milan and I'm loving the city so far. The tram and metro system make it so easy to move all around the city. They even have trains that take you to …
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Missing Milano – Claire Groner
I distinctly remember the feeling I felt when my flight landed in Milan. It was a mix of both excitement and apprehension. I was nervous to leave my family, friends, and familiarity. Yet, those …
Milan semester abroad – Final Thoughts – Shmi Salinas
It feels odd now that my experience in Milan is behind me. I’d spent so long planning and counting down the days until my flight, but now I’m on the other side of that. The classes really resonated …
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Germany Closing Thoughts – Angela Miao
Well, the end of the WHU summer program has arrived! I'm quite emotional as I process these last few weeks. The class modules were super informative and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to …
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