Going into this trip, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I had a lot of expectations; however, I had never traveled to Europe before, so I was unsure if they would live up. While staying in Munich, …
Germany First Impressions – Kara LePage
I was still determining what to expect in my study abroad trip to Germany. I kept an open mind and went into this eager to learn. I have never been to Europe and through the different classes I have …
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First impression – Melissa Garza
Before enrolling in the global business program, I never anticipated the extent of knowledge I would gain about the city and country, coupled with ample time for exploration and travel. Upon our …
First Week in Germany – Vianney Sotelo
My initial impression of Germany is that it is much more diverse than I expected. It is fascinating to see that Germany is like a melting pot of diverse cultures. When I get on public transportation …
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My first week in Germany – Lillie Lehmann
During my first week here in Germany, I have already learned so much. Whether that be the classes I'm taking or German culture in general. Munich is a very vibrant city that has a very on-the-go vibe. …
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Hello Germany – Ben Longoria
Prior to the Germany Business program, I had only been to Europe once as a part of the Regents' Portugal Field Trip program. Going back to Europe, and a totally different side of it, was both …