Going into this trip, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I had a lot of expectations; however, I had never traveled to Europe before, so I was unsure if they would live up. While staying in Munich, Germany, one of the first things I have noticed and have come to love is the country’s passion for being environmentally friendly. Recycling is a daily part of life, and people use public transportation or bike everywhere they go. This was one of the first differences I have noticed between Germany and the United States. I was also shocked by how diverse the city of Munich is. Old Town Munich is filled with a wide variety of tourist and locals who call this place their home. Something I have truly loved about my trip so far are my classmate?s eagerness to get to know one another and to share new experiences together. This was definitely something I was looking forward to on the trip, and my classmates have definitely lived up to that expectation. A concern I had before going on this trip is my ability to balance classwork and traveling. However, that hasn?t been an issue. The professors encourage us to try new things and meet new people. I have felt very supported by both the faculty here in Germany and the ones from afar. Learning how to read the different train and tram routes has been a challenge at times, but the locals are always willing to give much needed directions. One of the biggest takeaways from this trip so far is how similar the people are to us. As a culture, they are generally quieter and to themselves, but overall, they are just normal people living their lives. I have enjoyed getting to talk to the locals about Germany and receive outside perspectives on the United States.