Howdy! My name is Madeleine Gass and I am a junior Biomedical Sciences major from Aledo, Texas. Before diving into the main topic of this blog post, “Initial impressions of the global sustainable …
Initial Experiences from Antarctica: Matthew Grimm
When I first enrolled for this study abroad, I knew it would be vastly different from any course I have previously taken. As a senior in electrical engineering, my semester schedules typically only …
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Costa Rica Final Thoughts – Om Shah
Howdy, my name is Om Shah and I am a junior Finance major who is currently sitting in the airport in Mexico City, about to board the flight back to Houston after spending two life-changing weeks in …
Landing in Qatar – Angela Rodriguez
Qatar gives a sense of calm and order. The city feels peaceful, unlike the busy, fast-paced environment of College Station. The streets are clean, and public spaces are well-maintained. People seem to …
The Amazing Asia – Lindsay Tims
Through this amazing opportunity, I was able to tour Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia. Before I started my journey to Asia, I had always thought of these countries as heavily cultured and full of …
Community, Faith, Wealth: Impressions in Qatar – Luke Read
The past week in Qatar has been an incredible experience, exposing me to ways of life and business that I’ve never encountered before. Three key impressions the country has left on me are the …
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