This is my second time abroad and going into this experience I did not know what to expect. I arrived in Strasbourg, France on New Year's Eve, so it was crazy to experience the last day of 2022 and …
Living in Strasbourg, France – Sara Rasheed
Howdy! I have just arrived in Strasbourg, France and will be living here for the next 4 months. Upon arrival, things were different here than they are at home right away. In order to travel around …
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First Week in Madrid – Mariana Martinez
Howdy! My name is Mariana Martinez and I am a junior marketing major studying abroad in Madrid, Spain at UC3M. I have been in Madrid for a couple days now and it is safe to say I love it here. When I …
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Hello from Hong Kong! – Gloria Chen
Hello! My name is Gloria, and I am studying abroad in Hong Kong at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST) this semester! I have been here for almost two weeks now, and started …
Week 1 in Vienna – Anneliese Cook
Howdy! Vienna, or Wien as known by Austrians, is like a dream. After officially being here for a little over a week, I have been able to explore various areas of the city. In the first few days, we …
Hallo, from Vienna, Austria! – Grace Lewis
It has been over a week now since arriving in Vienna, and I am in awe of the beauty of this city. I had come up with ideas in my head of what my experience would be like before coming, and wow, has …
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