My last week in London was both exciting and a little sad. I am very eager and happy to return to Texas tomorrow, but I am also sad to be leaving London. I am very close with all of family and am so …
ILAP London
My past month in London has been full of joyful, exciting, and exhausting memories. I came to London with the Texas A&M MSC LT Jordan Internship and Living Abroad Program (ILAP). There are eleven …
London-Month 1
Month one in London is in the books! My time with Musequality has been fun and challenging. Last week was our World Busk, the culmination of our efforts. Performers around the globe donated their …
ILAP London- Courtney Cotter
My first week in London has been jam-packed with new, challenging, uncomfortable, fun, and breathtaking experiences. In an environment where English is heard less often than other languages, I feel I …
Final Days-Singapore 2013
Time flies. As I sit in the Dubai airport, on my way home, it is difficult to believe that I have spent nearly an entire summer in Singapore. I have become acclimated to the pace of life, adjusted to …
The First Month-Singapore 2013
I have been in Singapore for nearly a month and the experience has truly given some perspective to my American life. In many ways Singapore is the Asian equivalent of United States-powerful, rich, …