It only took a few days to fall in love with Barcelona! It shocks me how much I have seen, learned, and experienced in such a short amount of time. Being in Barcelona this past weekend has already …
HOLA BARCELONA! – Alexandra Organ
The moment our plane touched down at the Barcelona-El Prat Airport, my childhood dream of studying abroad became a reality. Witnessing other students traveling abroad, while visiting my family in …
Barcelona – A whole new world – Parker Cowden
The past few days in Barcelona have been amazing. I have seen Europe for the first time in my life. After twenty-two years, I know it's about time. Barcelona, Spain is a city like no other. The …
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My First Taste of Barcelona – Margaret Horner
My name is Margaret Horner, and I am a junior accounting major at Texas A&M University. I am from the great city of Houston, but I can honestly say after arriving in Barcelona, I have never …
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Barcelona – the most colorful city in the world – Thomas Morris
Studying abroad has been a dream of mine for quite a while now and Barcelona is the perfect destination. I have always loved the Hispanic culture and wanted to learn Spanish via immersion. The …
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Studying Abroad From My Own Backyard – Savannah Gau
When I initially signed up for an Australian Study Abroad, I never would have expected to be experiencing the outback from America. This pandemic has changed a lot of things including the way we …
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