First and foremost, I would like to highlight the phrase, wonderful. Panama City had an absolutely stunning city line and a wonderful indigenous community. During my week-long stay in Panama, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the distinct and fresh cultural differences between Panama and America. To begin, I want to mention a couple of company visits that were exceptional. This includes Norfolk, a financial real estate group that discussed the visions and how financial markets from different parts of the world affect its business. I also had the pleasure of meeting with Estee Lauder, a cosmetic company that houses several well-known brands in Panama. Exploring their diverse range of offerings and understanding their presence in the country was genuinely captivating. It offered me a unique perspective on the beauty industry and its market in Panama.
Moving beyond the specific business engagements, I must emphasize that my interactions with the people in Panama were truly enlightening. Despite numerous cultural differences, one striking aspect that stood out during my interactions was their remarkable friendliness. One of the most impactful experiences from my time in Panama was witnessing the stark contrast between two lifestyles that were merely two hours apart. It was astonishing to go from the bustling, populous city to the rugged indigenous village, accessible only by a canoe ride. The opportunity to witness such immensely different lifestyles was truly a transformative and honestly, life-changing experience for me.
Lastly, comparing my initial to final impressions of Panama. Expressing a totally different lifestyle from Panama’s beautiful city to College Station’s local area. The vibrant yet subtle differences I observed spoke volumes about the unique culture of Panama. This was particularly evident during my visit to the indigenous tribe, where I witnessed their beautiful traditions, distinct music, and captivating dances. Even their seemingly simplistic meals were a testament to their perfection and cultural significance.