Ciao! Approximately two weeks ago I began my journey in Milan, Italy as an exchange student at Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi. I am currently sitting in the campus courtyard on the first day of classes taking in this beautiful campus, opportunity, and culture I get to plug myself into for the next four months. My time so far in Milan, Italy has been nothing short of an experience as I have filled my time with eating delicious foods, roaming the streets, and watching the locals hoping to catch on to what everyday life looks like in the New York City of Italy.
I grew up in Palacios, Texas, a small town situated on the Gulf Coast halfway between Houston and Corpus Christi. Therefore, the move to Milan, Italy, a fast-paced city with over a million residents, was quickly overwhelming. My first experience where I really started feeling at home was when my roommate and I hosted a dinner party at our apartment. The table was filled with other students from numerous backgrounds and yet I felt comfortable with the city life surrounding me. We ate chicken and pasta I cooked from the local grocery store, windows were open where you could hear the sound of continuous honking, and our toes were warm from the space heater we had to purchase from the local dollar store. It was the realization that I could call my apartment on the corner in Milan, Italy a home and not just a house for the next four months.
Overall, this experience has just begun but I can’t fathom the excitement and opportunities that are to come. Thank you, Center for International Business, for not only this experience but for the amazing Aggies that I get to make memories with.