I am so incredibly thankful for the experiences I had this semester. I learned so many things and grew immensely as a person. I did a lot of solo traveling which really allowed me to soak everything in and enjoy my experience that much more. My favorite country that I visited was Krakow Poland. I loved the history and how everything look like it came right out of a fairy-tale. It was also special to me because my Grandfather came from Poland so I got to see where some of my ancestors grew up. At my school in Milan, the University of Bocconi, it was great getting to see how Italians do their schooling and I must say that I learned how much I took for granted at A&M. I definitely was not used to having no campus life and not having a library open 24/7. I also now appreciate how my classes at A&M had more than one test and homework to really help understand the subject and help balance out the grades. Only having a final test and a project for the semester was very unusual to me and also pretty stressful so I am looking forward to returning to A&M?s style of teaching. Still, it was neat to learn about how Europeans grow up, how different the school systems are and just learning how their way of life in general is different from ours. One of my favorite parts of the semester was getting to work with and hear from such amazing companies. In my marketing class we worked with LEGO Italia on capturing data across the customer journey to enhance their marketing strategy. I also got to work with Siemens in my Big Data class and got to visit their corporate office to present our ideas on a new business strategy for one of their clients! Even some of the guest speakers we had were very interesting and really helped with understanding the topics we were discussing in class. I will definitely miss being abroad and getting to experience so many new and incredible things but I am happy to be home with my friends and family and I am excited to return to A&M in the fall!