Looking back on my trip to Costa Rica, I can confidently say that this was an experience of a lifetime. For those of you who are considering studying abroad, Costa Rica was certainly a country full of unexpected surprises…in the best way. While we were only there for two short weeks, we had the opportunity to have new experiences, visit several local businesses, and learn about how businesses work in Costa Rica! I learned that besides the various cultural differences there are, there are also many differences when it comes to doing business. For instance, I noticed that Costa Rica seemed more centered on small entrepreneurial businesses compared to the United States. These small entrepreneurial businesses are extremely close-knit, friendly, easygoing, and the employees and colleagues have full trust in one another. The employees that make up a company are almost like family to one another; they treat each other with kindness and respect. One company we visited was the Toucan Rescue Ranch in Heredia. Here, we were able to speak with the founder and director, Leslie, who explained the passion she has for the ranch and for giving back. While we were here, we were able to present several marketing ideas to help get their company out there and reach a greater audience. Being able to learn about what businesses are like in Costa Rica and being able to engage with various locals and business owners was a learning experience that I could not have had anywhere else. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I had to study abroad in a country like Costa Rica. Whether you are considering studying abroad or are stuck on deciding which country to study abroad in, Costa Rica is a choice that you cannot go wrong with. I highly suggest going and experiencing the world like I did and leaving with memories you will cherish for a lifetime!