Traveling to Costa Rica was quite the adventure!?Learning about local businesses, immersing in the culture, and participating in amazing excursions have all made my Costa Rica study abroad experience incredible. something that truly caught my attention was Costa Ricans’ way of living.
One of the main things that I first noticed when arriving was how happy Costa Ricans are. Throughout the days, I slowly came to the conclusion that people cherish the experiences and moments with their families a lot more than the materialistic things in their life. A phrase commonly used in Costa Rica is ?Pura Vida? meaning ?pure life?. Their motto was a pure demonstration of how much they live, filled with happiness.
On the other hand, I got the opportunity to meet and be exposed to businesses ranging from coffee tours, restaurants, and animal rescue centers all helping me understand the differences in how business is conducted in Costa Rica. It was also quite interesting to hear the struggles businesses go through such as getting a hold of their needed materials to be imported to Costa Rica. It?s also interesting to learn that the majority of their business comes from tourists. Tourists truly benefit from any business they encounter in Costa Rica.
For being my first study abroad trip, it was a great experience to learn more about the business field in Costa Rica as well as their culture. Definitely one to remember!