Howdy! I was unable to write a blog post for April because I was not in France for more than maybe a week. The first week of April I only had three days of class, so some friends and I went to …
Closing Time – Kelsey Mcleland
Hello all! Well as I said on my last blog post I would talk about the closing out of a semester abroad in Strasbourg France and also touch on the return to the United States. April was a weird month …
Slowing Down and Saying Bye – Samantha Buck
Well, I just finished my last month in Strasbourg and it was definitely the most difficult by far but for the best reasons possible! I came to realize that I really love the friends that I made while …
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Le temps passe vite – Samantha Wolf
?Le temps passe vite? means ?time flies? and it most definitely has. I can?t believe that my time in Strasbourg is winding down. This semester has gone by so incredibly fast and it?s crazy to think …
Already missing Strasbourg and I haven’t even left… – Victoria Valadez
Howdy! March and April flew by for me in Strasbourg! I went with a couple friends to Normandy, Amsterdam, South of France and spent a couple weekends in Strasbourg. I just got back from my spring …
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April – Karlee Reese
April has been glorious. At the beginning of the month we had easter. There is nothing quite like snowboarding in the french alps for easter Sunday. I took a 2 hr bus to the Isola 2000 and it was …