Today I begin my journaling expansion in Barcelona, Spain. The morning started at 8:00am and my classmates and I were able to successfully rendezvous in the lobby before departure to Zurich. Classroom …
Barcelona – The Laid Back but “Responsible” City – Pecen Meryem
Before stepping foot into the beautiful Spanish city rich in architecture and history, I knew things would look quite different than the states. Things don't just LOOK different, but also are TREATED …
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Barcelona and COVID and Mays- oh my! – Georgia Bond
Surprisingly, ACCT 229 and FINC 341 have not been the hardest parts of my Mays career- the hardest thing has been navigating a study abroad in the thick of COVID-19. It's difficult to grasp just how …
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When in Barcelona! – Avery Chastain
5 days into being in Spain, I can already say that I will remember and cherish this trip for the rest of my life. There is so much culture and life in this country and it is beautiful to see. We have …
Week 1 in Barcelona – Elizabeth Reed
This past week in Spain has been nothing short of amazing. We started our trip at a bright and early 4:30 AM in the Austin airport, where everyone was getting excited to fly out. After a couple speed …
Initial Impression of Portugal – Kyndall Rothman
This country is stunning. It is my first time traveling abroad, and I've become exposed to so many new things in the first few days of being here. What has surprised me the most is how many …
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