Hola from Espa?a! I have only been here a couple of days, but I am already loving what Barcelona has had to offer. Leading up to this trip, I was worried about adjusting to the different lifestyle, …
Settling into Barcelona – Madeleine Privitt
Howdy y'all! My name is Madeleine Privitt and I'm a senior Management major from Jarrell, TX and this is my first encounter with Spain. Arriving at the airport I had such a pit in my stomach. I was …
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I hate to Rambla on about Barcelona, but this place is amazing! – Cailey Bowles
I have always wanted to go on a study abroad. I did not know that Barcelona, Spain, was the one I would go on until the end of the Spring 2021 semester. I was excited to find out I would still get to …
Initial Impressions of the Vibrant Country of Spain – Faith Carroll
?Howdy!??The security guard taking passports at the customs checkpoint stared back at me with confusion. It was at that moment that I realized that I was far from home. As a girl who grew up in a …
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Blog 1 – Catherine Ridley
Who knew we would get the chance to travel again so soon? When our group was offered to transition our canceled trip to Belgium for the opportunity to actually travel to Spain, I knew I had to jump on …
Barcelona Study Abroad – Emily Havens
The food in Barcelona is terrific quality and relatively cheap. The way that locals enjoy their meals is interesting. Small restaurants are abundant on every block, and each of them has tables set up …
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