Even though this is my third time in Panama I think every time I go there I learn something new. I learned that Panama as a country has a lot of similarities to the US especially Panama City you can …
The Panamá Experience In Retrospect – Devany Garza
Since our return from Panama, I have had the opportunity to reflect a lot upon my experience abroad. In my opinion, the biggest contrast between people in the U.S. and people in rural Panama is one's …
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Reflecting on Panama – Carsyn Katzenmeyer
We have been back from Panama for about 2 weeks now, and with that time I have really been able to reflect on my time in Panama. This trip was such a valuable experience that taught me so much about, …
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A Final Goodbye to Panama- Aubrey Hedberg
My initial impression before leaving for Panama was not accurate. You may think this is a bad thing, however I would not have wanted it any other way. My time in Panama is something that I will never …
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Glimpse of a Hopeful Future – Julia Clark
Returning to this joyful community felt like coming home, as I reunited with familiar faces and families I had the privilege of meeting the year before. It was heartwarming to witness how the …
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A New Perspective – Hannah Sweatman
Before arriving to Panama this past spring break, I did not know what quite to expect. I knew from our pre-departure class meetings that it would be an incredibly diverse country in terms of quality …