It is surreal how I’ve made it to this moment. I successfully was able to pack my bags the night before so my morning itself wasn?t too hectic. I purchased my last cup of coffee from my favorite shop in the city across the street and we caught a bus to the airport around 6 am. The bus ride gave me a victory lap of the streets I had come to memorize and love. Passing places I’d eaten, going past areas I’ve shopped, gliding through moments I’d cherished with my colleagues. I am so very grateful for all the experiences so thankfully offered by Texas A&M. Being a first-generation college student, never in a million years would have thought I’d achieve my bucket list item of traveling to Europe–especially at 21 years old. I cannot fathom our itinerary to of been anything else. I was proportionally learning both business, cultural, and historical information simultaneously. It was diverse, direct, and intriguing.
Our country and Spain are so vastly different. At times I felt like I was in a whole different world. From complexities like their economy to their roads or even the eateries! It’s all so vastly unique and beautifully represented in Barcelona on every corner. Barcelona was a hub for people from all over the world. So many cultures mixed into their communities to create what we experienced for the past 2 weeks. My colleagues made it worth the while, as it was nice sharing fresh experiences with people on a personal and professionally level. I most definitely wouldn’t have had the same experience going alone.
I will continue to be an advocate of programs like the Spain winter trip. I love this resource A&M offers because it goes beyond what we know and expands our horizons to the Earth, not just Texas or the US. I realize that opportunity is around every corner and it’s up to me to decide how I want to experience the world. Spain taught me a lot about myself, my ambitions, and my career. From my drive home from the airport to the moment I write this final day reflection, I will value the lessons and personal development gained when touring Spain and its society.