On this amazing trip, I have learned a plethora of things about conducting business. To start, questions are a very important part of engaging with the person you are doing business with. During our company visits, I learned that the company employees truly valued deep and specific questions about their company. Our questions allowed them to see that we were interested in, and curious about their organization. I also learned that being open minded is a very crucial part in handling business. Understanding that not everyone comes from your background and have the same beliefs as you can allow you to immerse yourself in another culture. Lastly, I also learned that doing research on a company before you visit them will be very helpful. Researching the company and seeing what their purpose, goals, and values are will ultimately show the company that you are genuinely interested in their work. One of the main goals in handling business is to leave a good and lasting impression. This could possibly lead to career opportunities, and even building a greater and stronger network. As far as engaging with others, being respectful is a must and it shows humility. Being respectful shows that you value the perspective of another person rather than placing your beliefs above theirs. I have also learned that researching ways of communication in one’s culture can appeal to the person. In Thai culture, I learned that people bow with their hands pressing together as showing a form of respect. Learning how others communicate will ultimately leave a good impression. My time abroad has changed my perspective and has honestly made me more open minded. It showed me that there is in fact other ways of living life. My initial impressions were somewhat accurate of the countries I visited, because I had always seen them as full of deep history and culture.