My time abroad changed my perspective significantly, and several of my initial impressions of Panama were not accurate. Going abroad allowed me to see how different other cultures are from the U.S. I was also surprised to see the cultural differences between Panama City and the rural areas of Panama. However, I was most surprised by the similarities between us and the people of Panama.
Originally, I assumed that our culture would be nothing like the Panamanian culture, but I was wrong. The business culture in Panama City was similar to American business culture in several ways. For example, Halliburton took us out to lunch after our business visit. This is also a common business practice within the U.S. I was surprised by how well structured businesses like Halliburton were in Panama. The visit with Halliburton was enlightening because they are an international company, and it gave me a different perspective regarding international business culture. It was interesting to learn how they navigate having employees located in various locations across the world. The culture differences are an everyday encounter for them, especially with other Latin American countries. I never considered working for an international company, until I visited Halliburton. Halliburton’s approach on doing business across multiple countries makes me want to immerse myself in the international business world. Overall, I gained a new perspective from learning about the operations of an international company, and it has led me to deciding to pursue a job with an international company.
A major cultural difference that I anticipated was the food in Panama. The food in Panama was very different from the food in the U.S. Most of the food was very good. What surprised me the most was how certain foods are cooked completely different in Panama. For example, queso in Panama was basically a soft block of cheese with seasoning drizzled on top of the cheese block. It was definitely not the queso I had in mind when I was ordering, but it was still very good. All in all, there were still several cultural differences from the U.S. and Panama beyond the food.
In summary, Panama’s culture is different from American culture, but there are still several similarities between both cultures. The trip was eye opening, and I made so many friends along the way. I went on the trip to make a positive impact in Panama, but I never would have expected the major impact the trip had on me also. My communication skills and understanding of the Panamanian culture have grown significantly due to this trip. In conclusion, I will forever be grateful for the amazing memories and experiences that I had due to this trip.