Having just finished my first semester of college, I had no idea what to expect when I left for Panama to offer consulting services to rural micro-entrepreneurs in Cocl?. All I knew was that I wanted to experience a new culture and hear what stories people had to tell. I will let you know I was not disappointed.
Through this experience, I got to see the Panama Canal, Panama City, coffee plantations and more, but the most impactful part was working with our client, Noriel Vel?squez Sanchez. Noriel, I came to know, was the owner of a furniture business, leader of the community bank and father of two daughters. Having the ability to speak with him, hear about his life, and learn from him was an invaluable experience that I recommend to anyone willing to take a chance and listen. Not only that, but my team and I were able to use the knowledge we had learned at Mays and through the pre-Brigade education to create resources to help Noriel?s business grow. Seeing Noriel?s reaction to the deliverables we had worked on made all the late nights worth it and left a lasting impression on how much more I could do to help the nonprofit sector. By the end of the brigade, I had gained a new perspective on what community means and how integral empowerment is in sustainable philanthropy.
Looking back on this trip now, I am so grateful for the hospitality and patience we received from our clients and the Global Brigades staff. I also could not imagine a better group of Aggies to work with and befriend as they made the experience what it was as well. To anyone considering a study abroad, I would highly recommend getting involved in Global Business Brigades as you will have the opportunity to see Panama in a light that no other trip can quite accomplish.