As my semester abroad in Madrid came to an end, I found myself reflecting deeply on how this experience has reshaped my understanding of life and my place in the world. While I arrived with certain expectations and preconceived notions, living in Spain has profoundly altered my perspective in ways I didn’t anticipate.
Growing up in the states has trained us to live a very fast paced life with the driving factors of money, work, and academics. Although I am very thankful for the educational and professional opportunities I have, I learned that those things should not be the driving factors for a happy life. I learned to embrace the slow paced lifestyle in Madrid and it simply made me happier and more at peace. This shift taught me to take a step back and live life intentionally, which is a lesson I hope to carry with me wherever life takes me next.
I also developed an even stronger passion for travel than I had before. It was so beautiful to visit 12 different countries and see the differences in culture and lifestyle at each one. I appreciated the history, art, and culture in each country I went to. This experience encouraged me to learn as many languages as I can so I can communicate with people all over the world as I travel in the future.
My initial impressions were definitely accurate but I failed to realize how much this experience would change my mindset and perspective of live. My values and goals always aligned more closely with the European way of life but I felt at peace and at home while I was there. I grew on a personal level and Madrid gave me the space to find this new version of myself. I am very excited to take what I learned and apply it in my current and future life.