February 2017, one month down!
Its begun to hit me that I miss home, with the Superbowl happening in my hometown, missing my anniversary with my boyfriend, missing his 21st, as well as my best friend’s birthday. Being in Sweden has been hitting me economically and emotionally, so naturally I did what anyone does studying abroad,?I traveled. I had the list of places I wanted to go, Greece, Ireland, Germany, Italy, the usual. Its crazy how less than 30 days from knowing my new friends I embarked on a spontaneous trip to a place I hadn’t even thought of going: Budapest.
Budapest, Hungary
?Sweden is amazing, but there is nothing I love more than the warmth of the sun (which is greatly under appreciated in Texas). First things first, the Swedish have few authentic food (as they focus on fika) that are actual meals. My diet (when eating out) has consisted of burgers and pizza, an unexpected twist to my life abroad but Hungary was another story when it came to traditional meals. I’m a picky eater but it all looked way too good to pass up, so I tried?
lagos and goulash and strawberry beer. I was in food heaven and it was noteworthily less expensive. Sweden
has a lot of amazing things, but the architecture in Budapest is another story. There was a such a history and everything didn’t feel as sleek and modern, it was such a difference. While there we took a free walking tour that turned out to be about the communism in Hungary and I learned more than I would have ever learned from a book. Technically when I’m traveling I’m not in the classroom but I’m still learning so much, a perk of studying abroad. Remember how I said I was missing the Superbowl? Well we found a bar that was broadcasting it…..in Hungarian….at 3 am (because of the time difference). Call us crazy, but we watched it until the unpredictable ending with our new Hungarian friends.
Vienna, Austria
Our day trip to Vienna was?stunning! Vienna is a pristine?city where it seems all the building are white and impeccable while be historic. My favorite part was the all the quirky things we stumbled upon, it reminded me of Austin where things are just a little weird! I also had an amazing?schnitzel at Figmueller, that claims to have the best one in Vienna.
Living abroad is amazing and its brought so many extraordinary memories I can’t wait to find out what in store these next couple of months.