As of today, I have officially been in Europe for 9 weeks! And guess what? I?m currently writing this blog post on a train as I make my way to Florence! My friends from A&M are on spring break right now and we all decided to meet up in Italy for a week. Thus far, I?ve hit Budapest, Belgium, Iceland, Paris, and now Italy. Each city I visit is so different and unique from the last one, but so beautiful and interesting on its own. I don’t know how else to describe Budapest other than to say it’s crazy fun. Belgium is great if you want to gain ten pounds in four days (seriously though, all I ate was waffles, chocolate and fries). Iceland was incredibly beautiful and unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. I never thought I would fall in love with Paris, but I did. And so far, Italy has been nothing but amazing (especially the gelato).
Street food in Budapest…So delicious!
most incredible waterfall in Iceland
The Grand Place in Brussels
Here’s me channeling my inner Lizzie McGuire and tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain in Rome
CBS is on a quarter system so the Q3 classes that I am in are finishing up for the quarter and the finals will begin in about two weeks. Both of the Q3 classes that I am in are essay assignments that are required to be about ten pages long, so once I get back from Italy I will be locking myself in the library to complete the assignments.
I?ve been exploring Copenhagen more and I?ve even wandered around downtown by myself after class a couple times. Sometimes, I feel like you appreciate and see the city in a different way when you?re on your own. There?s this really amazing place near Nyhavn (the colorful buildings on the canal) called Paper Island which is filled with about 30 different food trucks and it?s so delicious and cool! It reminds me of home in Austin will all the food trucks. There?s also this really cool street called Stroget that is filled with a bunch of different stores, restaurants, and souvenir shops. ?Shwarma? is also something that is really popular. Its Mediterranean food (kebabs, gyros, wraps, etc.) that are on every corner and it?s so delicious! It?s super cheap too! Shwarma is definitely something that I?m going to miss when I go back home. Me and my friends here also went to an FC Kobenhavn soccer game and it made me miss football season at A&M.
FC Kobenhavn
I?ve heard about study abroad experiences from friends who where in other countries, and not to be biased, but Copenhagen sounds the best. It?s such a chill city with great vibes, I would bet money that it?s going to become a hot spot destination in a couple years.
I only have three more months in Copenhagen which makes me so sad! Home sickness hasn?t hit me yet and honestly I?m not really sure it will. I have a few more trips booked in April to see Auschwitz and another trip booked for Latvia and Estonia. But, I think those might be the last that I do because I want to spend more time in Cope because it?s honestly such a great city. I already know that I will be back in the future to come back.
Talk to you later!