I can honestly say I don’t know what I did all March?? The first week was the week after our winter break and my travel excursions. We had a fairly light week of schoolwork in week one after the break so that was a relief. However I had a crazy busy school week during week two. Then…oh wait now I remember what I did all of march, I had a VBA final due that sucked up all my time for a bit, it was incredibly incredibly hard, I swear I did all my learning while I was creating my final program. Then we had two group projects due during the 2nd and 3rd week. ?We even worked on them during the weekend… I must have blocked those two weeks out because it hurt my brain just thinking about them. But then, during the 3rd week people started inviting us to dinners where they cooked stuff from home. First it was some soup from The Czech Republic, then was a dish the Norwegians made with cod I believe? I’m not sure but it was delicious. Followed up by my personal favorite…Indian food night! Then there was the attempted pizza night via the Italians but due to their lack of oven and my lack of space it turned into pasta night (with homemade cheesecake) am I making you drool yet?
After this well appreciated feasting I made it through the final week and headed to Italy for the extended weekend. We road tripped along the coast from Rome to Naples and then Pompei and back. It was all good minus the teeny tiny bit where my phone got stolen in Napoli. Note to self, don’t let your friends get drunk in Naples. You will have to try and get them home safely. You will pull your phone out when the taxi doesn’t take you all the way to the hotel to google maps your way back. Your drunk friends will draw attention to you guys and you WILL get mugged. I’m going to spare the details from here. But I can’t say it wasn’t an experience.
As March came to an end I realized so is my trip. I only have a little less than 2 months left including all my final exams. It’s a rather depressing thought that I have to leave this place…especially now that the weather is warming up and the sunshine plus the beach just adds up to bliss.
I wish I could upload pictures from Italy but well I lost them all with my phone so you’ll have to use your imagination or… well theres also google.
Ciao till April ends!