The company I have gotten the opportunity to intern at this summer in Dublin is called Eirkoo. Eirkoo is a recruitment firm in Dublin city center that specializes in recruiting people in the accounting, finance, and wealth management areas. My first week on the job turned out to be just what I wanted. My team members are super fun and outgoing from what I?ve noticed and they seemed to be very knowledgeable about the business. They seem to have a great friendly dynamic and we even all go out together after work sometimes. My colleague Sean has sort of mentored me in the recruitment industry and taught me all the ends and outs when it comes to recruiting people. The recruitment industry here is very heavily based on LinkedIn and messaging people that are open to work. From there, if candidates show further interest you talk to them on the phone about the role. It is simple but has taught me great sales skills so far as I want them to jump on the job opportunities I?m pitching to them. It?s always fun to go into the office as my team members are always interacting with one another, calling candidates to see if they would like to hear about job opportunities, and discussing with clients what kind of people they?re looking to hire. It was exactly the type of environment I wanted to have as the sales knowledge I was already getting exposed to is priceless. The business environment in Ireland from what I can tell seems to be a lot more fun, friendly, and rewarding than the traditional corporate American workplace. The Irish are just such nice people in general and when it comes to doing business here it is no exception. It seems a lot less stressful and more easygoing compared to the States. The culture here in Dublin so far has made me excited to wake up and get in the office with all my colleagues. It?s a fun time but also productive!