Well, if it isn’t you again blog. I have learned a lot since we last spoke. I went to Switzerland last weekend and had a great time. One thing I thought was so funny is how much we as humans suck and how a great life has nothing to do with anything material. Three classmates and I got to go to Interlaken, Lucerne, and Zurich to name a few and the motto for the trip was “Consider it Joy” as a reference to James 1, where James urges us to view every challenge in the light as he shows us it only lets us grow closer to God. I realized how hard it was to not complain about airline problems, expensive meals, etc., and then I realized, I am in Switzerland hanging out with my friends on my parents’ tab and I am frustrated??? This was humbling. I then got to see and experience the country and met some people that just wanted to have a good time and see the world. What a day change you can bring to people if you just choose joy and enjoy life. We had such a great time focusing on creation and nature and loving everyone we met! Even though Switzerland is the most expensive country, a surplus or deficit of money did not change our trip but only the correct perspective. This weekend Brock and I have got to go to Rome. It was so cool to be inside of history we have grown up learning about. This makes me question why we choose to live in College Station of all places. Anyways, was super cool to wake up and just be able to see the oldest man-made thing I have seen in my life and get to explore a place where so much history and life has happened. Here are some photos!