To be quite honest, this trip did not become real to me until I was getting onto the plane, as I had not given it much thought. Coming off a super busy sophomore year and heading straight to summer camp for the 2 months before the program, I had no time to research or develop any ideas of what the trip was going to be like. I have thoroughly enjoyed the trip so far, but living in Spain for a week now has come with some interesting take aways and challenges! To start with, I was surprised at the change of timing when things happen here. In college, I prefer to start my morning off early, getting into the Bible before I start my day, go to classes, eat lunch, and then do some work and have the evening off. It is a much different culture here. One that is much more relaxed and slower paced. Waking up later, longer, and later meals. I have enjoyed the change, but it has made my days longer and instead of filling my free time with activities, such as golf or working out, I have found myself resting during mealtimes, over conversations with friends. This leads me to my next point of this trip helping me redefine and shape my view of success. In the United States, it is common for people to quote “live to work,” and while this isn’t the worst thing, to be passionate about your career, I believe true life is not found here. It is a goal of mine to do well one day in work and society and provide for my family. Not necessarily because I want a lot of money, but because I desire the freedom that money brings in the United States. I have really noticed since coming to Barcelona the freedom people have here just not worrying about things of this world as much as we do in the United States. The culture here is so much more focused about enjoying life and taking things slow, which would just be so counter-cultural compared to the United States if you really think about how people live and go about their days. I think it is ironic because one thing we have been discussing a lot as a class is the idea of is globalization a good or bad thing; thinking about the idea of assimilation. We have discussed the EU and how there could be a lack of a sense of national identity or pride, but because of this, I think it has allowed the people to focus less on themselves and their “social or economic rank” compared to the world, and instead allow them to just focus on being content and enjoying life. Overall, this trip has been great so far and I hope you can enjoy some of my favorite photos!