We have completed the first week of our 2-week program. It is going by so fast! This week has been filled with lots of travel, lots of new friends, and lots of incredible experiences. Africa is a beautiful country, and I only wish I had longer here. I am doing my best to enjoy every moment of this trip.
So far, we have visited two cities – Cape Town, South Africa and Livingstone, Zambia. We will soon be in Kruger Park, South Africa. Cape Town felt much like Europe to me, in a way. It was a big city and was very touristy. There was a significant environment change once we arrived in Livingstone, but I appreciated both cities in their own ways! The food has been delicious, and everywhere we have been, we have been taken such good care of. Everyone is so friendly and hospitable and has gone above and beyond for us in a way I don’t see often in the states. Africa as a whole is so unique, and I am grateful for all that I’ve seen so far. It has been interesting to experience the culture here and draw comparisons to my own culture and other cultures I’ve interacted with. I am so grateful for the experiences I’ve had so far. It has felt unreal.
My favorite experiences so far have been visiting Victoria Falls, interacting with the elephants at The Elephant Café, and seeing so many animals that I’ve only seen at zoos or in pictures. I’ve also enjoyed learning about animal conservation, which is the topic I have chosen for my SWOT analysis. This week, I was able to have a conversation with one of our safari guides and learn about conservation efforts not only in Livingstone and Zambia but all of Africa. This is a topic I hope I can continue to pursue and make a difference in even after returning home.
One thing I have struggled with is how fast we are moving. Our days are full, and we are moving from country to country every couple of days. It has been hard to be still and soak up every moment. For example, at our hotel in Livingstone, we would have monkeys climbing in the trees right beside our balcony, and I wish I could have had several hours to just sit and watch them. And the elephant interaction – I could have spent the whole day with them! I do understand that this is a fast-paced trip, and I am grateful for all we are doing. I just wish I could slow down and soak it all up a little more. Maybe I will have to come back…
Despite this challenge, what an incredible trip it has been so far, and I can’t wait for the week that lies ahead!