I only arrived in Athens a few days ago, but it feels like I’ve been here for much longer! I am learning more about the culture and the city’s rich history every day. I’ve eaten lots of great food, explored the town, and have been able to tour some of the historic sites. I love Greek food, and the price of it! Food is a lot cheaper here, and there are a lot of healthier options, which I like. I’ve also been able to explore the town with my new friends in our free time, visiting shops and local entertainment, and even learned how to navigate the train system here. I was also able to experience a magical New years here! The hotel room is a bit cramped, but it has an amazing view of the Acropolis that I enjoy every morning on the roof for breakfast. One cultural difference that has stuck out to me so far is the fact that locals here speak a lot quieter than we do. At a restaurant with my friends, we received a lot of dirty looks and were shushed at one point, when I thought we were talking at a normal level. I’ve also learned that we walk a lot faster than people do here. Another thing I like about the culture here is how there are historic sites all over the city, and that it is embraced as a part of their culture. We’ve been able to tour the Acropolis and the Parthenon, the acropolis museum, as well as the Ancient Agora. It’s so fascinating to learn about the history here and how it has been maintained all of these years. Overall, I’ve loved my experience here so far, have met so many great people, and am so excited that this is only the beginning!