Wow, I can’t believe it’s almost been a week since I got to Singapore! The moment we landed, I knew I would encounter weather like never before. When I picked up my bag from the course, it was so wet, and my brain went, “Uh oh.” Since then, it has been so hot that shorts did not even cool me down. In addition, it is raining like crazy over here. If I knew what I knew now, I would pack totally differently.
There are so many things I have already learned just from being here for less than a week. Like carrot cake is not cake at all but rather a dish of radish or daikon, eggs, and chili sauce, or that to reserve a spot, you need to put a thing of tissues, and no one will touch it. It has been an adventure, from bus tours to eating at Hawker centers to getting lost in a rainforest. The craziest thing I have eaten so far is BBQ stingray; it was spicy but so good.
A couple of my new friends wanted to see nature, so we decided to go on a hike. However, we did not realize how hard the hike was actually going to be. When we got to the end, we were covered in sweat, but we got to see monkeys, ants, and a giant lizard. We also got to explore the botanical gardens, where we also got to see a light show and walk around to see other plants known to Singapore.
By the end of this experience, I hope to learn more about Asian culture and be able to hold conversations about customs or even the history of Singapore. Additionally, I have had the best time these past couple of days, and I have made a bunch of new friends.