Spending the last two weeks in New Zealand has given me the opportunity to comprehend a new perspective on both New Zealand’s culture and how they conduct business abroad. There were such distinct cultural business practices in New Zealand compared to America, making it truly fascinating to learn about. A core pillar that the vast majority of businesses in New Zealand are built upon is each companies’ dedication to sustainability. Almost all companies was either making efforts to or have plans to limit their companies’ operations that hurt the environment. All businesses were so dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of New Zealand. Additionally, the nation of New Zealand as a whole takes rest and holiday very seriously. While we were there all major businesses that were not attached to tourism were closed for summer holiday. This dedication to rest and break in the workplace is something very foreign to how business works in the United States. While in New Zealand we were also allowed to learn about the agriculture industry when we visited a sheep and dairy farm. It was very interesting to hear from them on how the current economic downturn in China has hurt New Zealand’s agriculture industry as China remains the country’s number one importer. My time abroad has changed my perspective on business as a whole. So often in America you are forced into a loop where you constantly are encouraged to always work. New Zealand shows that America’s system of working constantly is not the only formula for success. New Zealand maintains both a work system that cares for its citizens and provides a fruitful and successful economy. In conclusion, I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to study abroad. I have learned so much about New Zealand and am excited to apply what I’ve learned abroad to further my career in the United States.