Howdy fellow AGS! If you have any kind of interest in studying abroad you need to pursue it! This was a life changing experience in all ways. I have discovered and tried new things more in the past 35 days than I could have ever imagined! And I did it with 39 awesome people. The Germany Business Study Abroad will always hold a special place in my heart. The two professors that shared their knowledge and their wisdom with us were beyond phenomenal and have never felt more encouraged.
In regards to German business and culture it truly depends on where you are! Berlin is a lot more progressive and relaxed with a lot of history and so many different nationalities and cultures! Munich was almost stereotypically German, but it was phenomenal! These people are so patriotic towards Bavaria and are truly keeping the tradition alive by wearing dirndls and Lederhosen and from their transport system being on time to the second. We got to make amazing connections from numerous business visits with startups to guest speakers about the European Union. We also had the privilege to visit the Reichstag government building where you can look at parliament in action. I can?t express enough how much you learn by being there!?
Firstly I?d like to say I passed both of my classes safely securing the study part in study abroad, but let?s be honest the things you learn outside of the classroom while abroad may be just as important. I?ve learned how to navigate trains, planes, and automobiles with a language barrier. I?ve learned to appreciate the little things like a free glass of water with your meal and AC. Most of all though, I learned that the people you?re with make it the most memorable experience! You?re surrounded by new faces that soon become familiar, you recognize their laugh, you plan dinners and day trips, you sit together in lecture, you meet the most amazing fellow Aggies? and even better you?re all coming back to the greatest university! Thank you for allowing students to meet other students who want to do bold things!