Sitting on my flight after checking the location of my passport (again), I finally reached the moment that I had anticipated since the fall semester: this study abroad. Arriving in Munich felt so unreal that it was hard to believe I was even here! Far from my previous assumption about the “old town” of Munich, the city was a beautiful combination of old fragile architecture mixed with the modern look of today. German charm, I’ve now discovered, is filled with efficiency, matter of fact, and business. Unlike the casual, playful college station attitude, the first days were eye-opening to the Bavarian spirit. The food and beer gardens consist of brown-shaded plates with various meets, potatoes, sauerkraut, and more, contrasting to a United States traditional meal. The produce at the grocery store is fantastic (much better than the produce in America). I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a better tomato in my life! I later learned that they enforce higher strict food laws than the United States. One similarity between our culture and the Bavarians stood out as different. As a native Houstonian, my city is what we call a “melting pot” of people from different walks of life and culture. When I came to Germany, it was just like I was in the middle of Houston! There were people from every different culture. The study abroad program has already provided me with many opportunities to meet people from Mays as well as opportunities to explore international business. From just our first week, I was able to learn about German immigration, rights, and international policies. This strong impression of learning not only in the classroom but through the exploration of businesses across the German country sets our business knowledge to a higher standard. Looking back at myself sitting on that flight, I could never have imagined that just in this first week, I have learned a monumental amount of business and cultural knowledge. Now, sitting in the heart of Bavaria (remembering to check the location of my passport again), I look forward to the invaluable German businesses, global perspective, and experiences in the beautiful creation all around us.