It is almost time to leave and I am left with bittersweetness. It was such a great time in Singapore and I have learned so much about not only just conducting business in Singapore but also in Asia. During the trip, we had the opportunity to visit a lot of different types of companies and individuals that conduct business here in Singapore. I mentioned before that Singapore was a country that focused a lot on sustainability and its image and the companies that we visited definitely emulated that. One thing that shocked me was that in Singapore everything is imported! They even buy sand from other countries! Because of that, I think that the companies know how scarce everything is so they try to do what they can to make sure the supplies are not wasted and they know how to reuse them. I was shocked that the companies had so many innovative ways to reuse their supplies, even their water and I was even more shocked at how the companies did their part to live sustainably. I think that the main reason that they are so successful is that the companies actually do their part to make sure that the supplies are used in an efficient way. My time abroad has definitely made me more grateful for the things that I have and encouraged me to live a little bit more sustainably. I understand that the United States will have to do a lot more work to be at the level that Singapore is at but I also don?t want to ignore that and want to do what I can to live sustainably and hopefully I can encourage others as well. Anyways, it is so sad to leave this beautiful country but I hope to bring something new to the table back in America once I am back!