Studying abroad in Spain has come to an end and I am bittersweet that I will be on my flight back to Texas around this time tomorrow. This was such a wonderful opportunity for me as I learned more about the culture and lifestyle of people in Spain. Now knowing that many European countries do not turn on AC even in 90 degrees heat during summer as much as we do back home is extremely impressive and made me realize how much I take things for granted. I remember the first 3 weeks of being in Spain, I found not having cold air everywhere I went almost unbearable and was disgusted at how much I was sweating. However, now that I am ready to head back home, I have gotten used to the heat and I found myself not sweating as much as before. I also loved seeing how eco-friendly it is here. The majority of the shops and restaurants here reduce the use of plastics by offering paper straws, charging for plastic bags so that people bring reusable shopping bags, and even takeout containers are made from recycled materials. I have also seen at least 4 different bins here in Spain and they were color coordinated to indicate different bins for glass, paper, plastics, and compost. Another strong impression I had from this trip is that people walk a lot and make use of public transportation. I had an average of 25,000 steps this past month from all the walking I did and I enjoyed every bit of it. I’m so grateful that I was given the opportunity to have such an amazing experience and take away so much within a month that I will cherish forever. I hope to return to the States and try to reduce my use of plastics and be mindful of my carbon footprint.