It is a bittersweet moment to say goodbye to Prague. Prague has been my home for the past five months and it was one of the hardest goodbyes I have experienced. My time in Prague truly shaped me into …
CBS Study Abroad Entry 2 – Ruby Wei
note: I am very intentionally and knowingly completely going off-topic for this post because... you'll see. There is a point. I lied. Well, not technically. And definitely not in what really …
CBS Study Abroad Entry 1 – Ruby Wei
I signed up for Danish class! Strategically, Spanish or Portuguese would be more "useful" because of the sheer number of Danes that speak English, but I think the greatest way I can respect a country …
ESSEC Business School, Cergy – Omar Acevedo
The best way to describe my experience at ESSEC Business School was a change of pace. Going on a semester exchange during a COVID-19 semester was something I was hesitant on but decided to go for it …
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Living in Lancaster – Lizette Silva
Howdy! I am just about done with my time at Lancaster. Although it?s a great feeling to finish with exams and coursework, it?s bittersweet when you know your time abroad is coming to an end. The …
The Start of My Lancaster Chapter – Lizette Silva
I?m Liz and since I?ve always been quite curious about traveling to other places outside the U.S. However, I didn?t really know how to travel nor did I have people to do it with. Going to Texas …
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