It?s my third full week here in Hong Kong, China, and I can say that I absolutely love it here. I?m attending Hong Kong University of Science and Technology this 2016 fall semester, and this country, …
Vallendar, Germany WHU September – Diego Malagamba
First few weeks have been a blast!! The university (WHU) has such a good integration program to get you to meet new exchange students (called tauschies) and also to meet Germans going to the school. I …
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Hei fra Norge! – Sara Odum
I arrived in Bergen, Norway on August 3rd with my family. My first impression of Norway was that there was a certain "freshness" to the air. The weather in Bergen is a bit more?rainy and chilly than …
Hej Copenhagen! – Julia Mora
The Little Mermaid Statue is one of the international symbols of Copenhagen and commemorates the fairytale written by famous Danish writer, Hans Christian Andersen. Nyhavn is the most iconic …
Coming Home! – Hanna Eckert
I finally am back in the Sates, and it feels so good! I'm soooo happy to be back with my family and friends. 6 months doesn't sound too long, but the last two weeks just waiting for your flight home …
My overall experience – Jasmine Garza
Overall, my study abroad in Norway was fantastic. Not only did I have the opportunity to study in a different country and culturally enhance my education, but I also met a lot of people from all over …
Continue Reading about My overall experience – Jasmine Garza