Over the course of my time in Singapore, I learned a great deal about how businesses ranging from hospitality to research and development operate on a daily basis. I learned about the importance of …
Around the World and Back Again – Holden Cole
Overall, I am very fortunate to have been chosen by the International Business Studies Department to participate in this extraordinary program. The amount of support I was given from the Professor and …
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Final Reflections of Singapore – Jacob Hrncir
As my time in Singapore has ended, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the incredible opportunity I had to learn about conducting business and engaging with individuals in this …
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Initial impressions of Singapore – Jacob Hrncir
My initial impressions of the global business program in Singapore are extremely positive. The city is incredibly modern, clean, and well-organized, with a vibrant atmosphere and diverse cultural …
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Singapore: In Reflection – Adrian Dimock
Altogether, this trip was quite the experience. While I initially felt many similarities with America, the longer I spent in the country the more these similarities faded. From the behavior of its …
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Final reflections of Singapore – Felix Gonzalez
After spending two weeks in Singapore, I learned and experienced so much about their different culture and business practices, as well as their unique history. I had never been abroad before, so I did …
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