I had expectations of what I imagined Antarctica to be like prior to going. When we would talk in class with AUIP lecturers I was able to create an image of what I pictured this vast white continent would look like. However, nothing that these scientists said during the 12-week lectures prepared me for how beautiful Antarctica would be.
When we finally passed through the Drake Passage and saw the first mountains and bright blue glaciers in Antarctica I was immediately blown away. There was wildlife everywhere that called this extreme area home. From the first day to the last day coasting around the Antarctic Peninsula I was so thankful for this program allowing me to explore the end of the world. I was able to learn so much about global leadership, and the importance of sustainability, and see directly the impact that humans have on the environment.
One day the temperature rose to 64F which is atypical for Antarctica, even in the summer. This spike in temperature directly affects wildlife, since they are not adapted to live in such warm weather conditions. With this abnormality, the expedition team educated the passengers about the importance of sea ice and icebergs. Icebergs house the base of the food chain in Antarctica, phytoplankton, which is then eaten by krill. Krill is essential for all wildlife in Antarctica. The crew onboard were extremely helpful and led multiple engaging lectures about the history and wildlife in Antarctica.
I enjoyed the exciting expeditions that we were able to join! My favorite activity I was able to participate in was kayaking. We were able to kayak in Neko Harbor alongside swimming penguins, massive glaciers, and a beautiful mountain range. The water was so still and sound in this harbor travelled so far. We could hear the penguins honking from so far away! While on this expedition, the kayak instructor continued to educate us on sea ice and the different types of ice we were passing through. It was a beautiful experience that helped me even further appreciate the unique qualities that Antarctica has.
Overall, I gained a special appreciation for conservation efforts all over the world and feel extremely grateful to have been to Antarctica. I feel in awe that I was able to witness such an untouched place that not many people have seen. I have a new unique appreciation for wildlife and feel like I have a deepened understanding of the delicate ecosystem that is there.
I was also able to interact with other people from all over the world: China, India, Switzerland, Norway, and more. We were able to share experiences and how we all ended up in the same faraway place. Sharing stories like this helped introduce me to different cultures and values and reflect on the content that we learned about in class regarding global leadership. We all had different viewpoints and brought different ideas to the conversation.
Antarctica is the most stunning place on earth, so being able to travel to the ends of the world alongside Aggies was such a wonderful experience! I have so many memories, takeaways, and now a lifelong curiosity about going into unexplored places. I hope that I will be able to continue learning about Antarctica and the conservation efforts that are being put in place for this wonderful continent.