We have been back from Panama for about 2 weeks now, and with that time I have really been able to reflect on my time in Panama. This trip was such a valuable experience that taught me so much about, consulting, business, and most importantly culture. Seeing as I have been to Panama before I somewhat knew what to expect as far as the food and general culture went. however, this study abroad really allowed me to find out what it is like to conduct business in Panama. We learned this on a more large scale basis with our company to Halliburton. However, what was most impactful was what we learned in the local communities of Altos del Coco and Membrillo. We learned that often in these communities business owners don’t have the financial literacy that we are often used to here in America. However, that does not mean they weren’t eager to learn. All the community members we interacted with were super interested in what we had to say and were eager to learn more about business tactics and how they could apply those to their businesses. This study abroad really showed me a different perspective on the importance of community. Often in America family and community can be set aside because of the hustle and bustle culture. However, in the rural communities of Panama, I saw that family was the most important. The only reason our client Seccundino was looking to grow his business was to provide more for his family, specifically to give his daughter a big quinceanera. These were qualities and values I found very admirable. Overall I learned so much from our trip to Panama and I miss it so much!