In regards to business, Scotland values sustainability much more than the United States. We got to talk to and work with companies firsthand who have built sustainability into the foundation of their business. When talking to people there it was evident that they are going what they can to combat their negative effects on the environment. Our tour guide David told us about how Glasgow where we were staying, used to be so polluted it was causing severe health problems for people living there. Now the city is going everything it can to make improvements and wants to put regulations on how old cars driven in the city can be. Getting to go abroad and explore Scotland was a surreal experience that I am beyond grateful for. No matter where people are located, we all have so many similarities that connect us. We had the privilege of talking to people not just from Scotland, but all over the world during our time there and it was an eye-opening experience. No matter what someone?s everyday life looks like or the surroundings that they live in we are all people who seek love, respect, and happiness. Being nice to people was all we had to do to get to break down the difference between us and others and have fun interesting conversations. Many of my initial impressions were things that I grew more accustomed to with time such as lack of A/C and differing daylight hours. I had never seriously considered living abroad long term in the past, yet after actually getting to have an experience abroad, I think moving to a different country would be a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow. There is so much of the world I have yet to see and understand this trip helped me realize that getting to see more of the world is something I should be prioritizing.