Going abroad to Germany was a great and life changing experience! Not only did I get to build relationships with fellow Aggies that I wouldn?t have gotten the chance to meet otherwise, but I gained a whole new perspective on the world we live in and how business is done across the world. I got to learn a lot by getting to spend time in the cities we lived in and interacting with the locals as well as the 2 classes that we took. Getting to take an international business class while being abroad was cool because we could learn about how to conduct business globally while seeing it in action all around us. We could go to class in the morning and talk about the history of the EU and why it is the way it is, and then go explore it that night. Growing up in the US it?s easy to see everything from an individualistic and American perspective, but across the EU there is a lot more of a community outlook. While people in the EU have pride in their home countries, they also see the bigger picture of Europe and want what?s best for the whole EU. Learning about the history of the EU and how it came to be gave me a lot more respect towards what the European countries have been through to get to where they are today and a lot more perspective on how Europeans might view the world. They take everything a little slower and more relaxed. I would definitely say that they work to live while here in America most people live to work. I will take this into my future business endeavors by taking into consideration where my colleagues are from and how that has shaped their perspective on business and our interactions. Overall this experience has been an amazing opportunity that has forever changed me and I will never forget!