When arriving in Dubrovnik I thought I knew what to expect, but I was surprised at a few things the first week. What stuck out to me the most the first few days in Dubrovnik was the fact that you pretty much walk everywhere. We would also take the bus occasionally, but I was not initially prepared for how much walking and stairs would be involved. I was also surprised at how the restaurants worked. Servers do not treat customers the same as they do in the U.S., so if you want their attention you have to wave them down. These things took some getting used to just because it is so different from our culture here. The beauty of Croatia was shocking as well. The views of the ocean and the mountains was absolutely breathtaking and made the walking much more enjoyable. I also loved being able to walk around and get a closer look at the architecture because it is much different than it is at home, and in my opinion much more beautiful. Something that I did not really like was that the AC in the dorms did not work very well, and at night my room would get pretty hot. It was super frustrating in the beginning and made it hard to sleep the first week. Overall, after my first few days in Dubrovnik I felt excited about what was to come, but not fully comfortable yet.