I am truly so sad that my time in Milan, Italy is coming to an end. I was able to see and do a lot while I was here for my short six-week internship. The business practices I posted about previously remain accurate. There is a lot of disorganization and most places do not adapt to the changing technology or ideas as fast as the United States. Italy is still traditional with a lot of its business practices although Milan is the most adaptable and business-focused city in Italy. The language barrier has been difficult at times, especially at work but my colleagues strive to communicate with me regardless. There is a strong sense of teamwork and co-working as most of my coworkers pair together to market brands to clients. I appreciate how Italians value the little things and live life to its fullest. They value family, friendship, and food. It?s been refreshing to get a taste of that while being here.
On a personal level, this experience has allowed me to understand what I value most about the business environment I enter into, and the things I am looking for as I chose a location to live post-grad. Overall, I?ve really enjoyed learning more about the fashion industry and learning about how impactful the supply chain, which I?m studying, is on it.