The last three weeks in Barcelona and the surrounding area have shown me a lot about different cultures, the history of the land, and how business interacts in a global economy. I have seen what the scenery looks like outside of the limits of Barcelona and just how beautiful the country is.
A very educational visit that stuck out to me over the past few weeks was the trip we took to the port of Barcelona. I found it very fascinating at how the port operated and what their goals were compared to other countries. I learned that the port of Barcelona is not as big as many other ports, such as many Asian cities and places like New Orleans. However, this is not upsetting to the city because instead of putting its focus on growing to be a larger port, Barcelona is extremely focused on the sustainability of its operations. Management has set goals to transfer systems into electric power and reduce the impact they have on the environment. This approach is much different than that of ports in Asia that strive to move as many products as possible while having little regard for the environment. The layout of the Barcelona port also proved to be very strategic in its efficiency with railways and an airport both within 2 miles. Seeing how effortlessly the logistics of transportation are taking place at this port was extremely impressive.
Traveling out of Barcelona, we took a trip to Montserrat for the day. The views from the mountain were breathtaking and made it hard to believe that we were just an hour’s drive away from Barcelona. Apart from its natural beauty, Montserrat proved to have equally beautiful architecture and history. The monastery that sat on the mountain had to be the prettiest church I have ever been in. We toured around the whole building while learning about the founding of the church and the monks that have claimed the mountain as home for just shy of a millennium. One of the monastery’s claims to fame is the Black Madonna that is housed in the church. This statue depicts a dark-skinned Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus Christ. It is rumored that touching the sphere the Virgin Mary is holding will bring good luck and prosperity to the person. I feel like my good luck has already come with all of the amazing experiences I have had so far on this trip.