I had the pleasure of visiting the Castello di Verrazzano Winery with my study abroad group this summer. Even for someone who has no knowledge of wine, it was fascinating to learn about the intricacies of wine production.Situated between Florence and Siena, the Castello di Verrazzano Winery has been producing wine for nearly nine centuries. This winemaking tradition was initially carried out by the Verrazzano for generations, a tradition which continues to this day by the Cappellini family.
The winery tour was incredibly informative. I learned that everything from grape variety, sugar levels, soil quality, climate, and even storage methods affect the taste of wine. It was impressive to see how much care is given to every step of the winemaking process, including the grape drying, storage, and bottling.I was also amazed by the winery’s natural beauty. Surrounded by luscious forest, hills, and valleys, Castello di Verrazzano provided stunning views of the Italian countryside. For someone who’s lived in Texas for all his life, I was blown away by seeing an actual horizon.
At the end of the tour, there was the customary wine tasting. I pride myself in trying new things. This whole trip has been about immersing myself in unfamiliar experiences, and this winery trip was no exception. For someone who had never drank wine in his life, the tasting seemed especially foreign. However, I persisted and tasted three whole sips of red wine. It was awful. I would not recommend wine to anyone, ever. If wine was a Pixar movie, it would be Cars 2. Still, I am still proud of myself for trying.
The light at the end of this tunnel was the water served at the tasting. I took two bottles home with me and my love for fine mineral waters has been rekindled. In spite of my distaste for wine, the stunning Castello di Verrazzano tour was an enlightening success.