One of the major aspects of all Costa Rica Business is their goal to use clean energy and preserve the environment as much as possible. First the Britt Coffee business which relies on growing coffee and chocolate in order to sell it. Throughout the coffee tour, the tour guides said that coffee beans are not beans and actually a fruit, but everyone called it beans so it goes around as beans. The farm they use to grow coffee beans also host growth to many other plants like cocoa which is the ingredient for chocolate. They use other plants to draw the attention of the insects that eat the fruits. This is also their way of keeping the ecosystem while farming coffee.
Another business we visited was the bicycle chocolate business. The business owner started the business by making the chocolate with bicycles which is much more effective at grinding cocoa and heating up cocoa for making the chocolate. Instead of spending a lot of energy making the chocolate, you exercise and spend your time on the bicycle to make chocolate. All the bicycle machines were made from scrap metal and old bicycles. The purpose of this was to try and use what is available in order to make the best out of it.
Compared to this, the American counterparts of the Costa Rica businesses focus less on the ecosystem. They definitely focus more on other areas of business like profit. Another part to consider is the size of the businesses. The Costa Rica businesses are often less big in size while their American counterparts are more like huge corporations that wouldn’t put their number 1 priority as preserving the environment. It seems like the environmental protection goal is part of the Costa Rica business culture. Most of the Costa Rica business show interest in protecting the environment.