I have never had the opportunity to be fully immersed in a culture different from my own than in the past two weeks that I spent in Costa Rica. During my time there, I observed several key differences between the customs of Costa Rican citizens and those of people in the United States. An aspect of Costa Rican culture that I was not accustomed to was the importance of family and spending time together. In Costa Rica, it is common for children to live with their parents long after they are married and have children, unlike the United States where many children move out once they are eighteen years old. I witnessed this first hand in my homestay which was filled with my Mama Tica’s young grandchildren, creating quite a lively environment. There is also an emphasis on healthy living in Costa Rica, which is lacking in the United States. From the wide variety of fresh foods and outdoor activities available to their pride in their carefully crafted healthcare care system, it is clear to see that Costa Rica truly cares about its citizens.
Another noticeable difference between the U.S. and Costa Rica is the way that business is conducted. The government in Costa Rica encourages its citizens to open new businesses by offering many incentives. Within our lectures, we learned about several programs that the government has in place to promote new businesses and encourage investing, such as Free Trade Zones and tax incentives.
Several of my first impressions of Costa Rica were accurate, such as the vibrant and joyful way that Costa Ricans live their lives. However, in my initial post, I stated that I thought the town that our homestays were located in, Heredia, was a quaint, quiet town. After spending several days in the city, I realized I was wrong. The town is highly populated and has massive shopping areas, including two beautiful malls.
I will always treasure the short time that I was able to spend in Costa Rica. This experience taught me that other cultures can differ greatly from what I am used to in the United States, and I feel that this lesson will lead me to more success in the business world as I am able to understand that many countries conduct business and live their lives differently than what my “normal” is. I am so grateful for this experience and I cannot wait to visit Costa Rica again in the future!