Going abroad changed my perspective much more than I initially expected. Learning about other cultures revealed as much about American culture as it did about Asian culture.
Before embarking on the trip, we were told that the country was extremely modest and underdeveloped. However, in reality, the quality of life for the overall population—especially in Singapore—seemed much higher. The average person could afford the necessities of survival while also enjoying some of life’s finer things. Additionally, both cultures appeared to be more westernized than I had anticipated. Western fashion and music were widely integrated into Asian culture and had become normalized. During the nightlife, we witnessed a unique blend of cultures, particularly in Thailand. People from all over the world gathered there, and we had the chance to talk to individuals from the UK, Australia, and beyond. It was fascinating to hear global perspectives and learn their impressions of us as Americans.
Another major aspect that surprised me was the business visits. Going into these visits, I assumed they would resemble any average American business. However, the technological advancements and overall standardization of such innovations were far more developed and normalized. In the United States, these qualities are often considered luxuries due to their perceived rarity. Furthermore, there was a significant emphasis on sustainability and conservation in both Singapore and Thailand.
The culture was incredibly rich, and there was a shared understanding among the people. I had the opportunity to try local activities and cuisine, and we even learned some basic Thai to communicate with local communities. This was an amazing experience because it allowed us to see how kind and understanding everyone was, even though we were tourists.
This experience was very different from my initial impressions, which were shaped by prior information I thought I knew. The best way to truly learn about other cultures is to fully immerse yourself in them. It has been an amazing and joyous experience to be a part of.