The business environment in Costa Rica is very different than that of the United States. While a company’s bottom line is still very important in Costa Rica, the most essential feature for any business in Latin America is sustainability. Minimizing a firm’s environmental impact is key for success in a region with so much biodiversity. Furthermore, Costa Rica invests heavily in its people. Because the country has no military, it spends a lot on its public healthcare and education systems, which has made these services very accessible to its citizens.
Before traveling to Costa Rica, my Spanish was mediocre at best, however I did not have much trouble getting around as I was able to greatly improve my skills with the language relatively quickly through conversations with my host family and locals. I could tell through these interactions that even though my Spanish was not perfect, they still greatly appreciated that I put in the time and effort to communicate in their native language. Like sustainability, intent and open-mindedness are necessities when it comes to conducting business and having meaningful interactions with people in Central America. Everything I knew about Costa Rica before taking part in this program came from my own personal research online as well as conversations with people who have been before. I figured the country would prioritize sustainability, though I greatly underestimated the extent! Getting to immerse myself in the “pura vida” culture has taught me the importance of enjoying life and appreciating the simple things. I also loved getting to know my host family and all the remarkable people we got to meet in our company visits and university lectures! This experience was one that I will never forget, and I am so happy and thankful I got to visit this beautiful country and make these memories with my fellow Aggies! |